Catalyst UK Power Specialists

Catalyst Commodities's market-leading UK Power model and in-house commodity specialists drive a number of reports depending on the time horizon. We aim to make you the best informed on UK power prices and fundamentals.

Catalyst Commodities are not generalists. Instead, we have great depth and knowledge in UK power and its influences encoded in our model and accessed through direct contact with our specialists, API, emailed reports, and our online portal ModelView.


Instead of just saying we are accurate, we prove our price model against the market and believe our commercial experience is key to credible decision support.

We pride ourselves on being transparent in both our assumptions and our modelling.

For the Next 14 Days

The Daily Catalyst Horizon

Trading benchmark with risk ranges. Useful for Day Ahead (DA), Weekend (WE), and Week Ahead (WA) UK power trading and analysis. Re-forecast every 30 mins on our portal ModelView and Catalyst API. Delivery of trading spreadsheet and a morning "Price Signals" P&L email, where we show our hourly resolution forecast at 8:00 a.m. vs the DA auction outturn and a hypothetical P&L assuming entry at the OTC average.

For the Next 2-52 weeks

The Weekly Catalyst Horizon

Bite-size weekly forecast commentary and topical deep dive. The next 12 months prices are re-forecast regularly on ModelView and API along with the surrounding fundamentals. The standard Weekly Catalyst report is delivered every Friday morning by email and includes a two-page forecast commentary, popular one-page Analyst Corners, a detailed spreadsheet at monthly resolution for all inputs and outputs including the traded parts, and once a month a ‘Review and Round-Up’.

For the Next 5 Years

The Quarterly Catalyst Horizon

The manual for UK Power. Price impact of fundamentals, policy and regs. An extensive report is delivered every quarter, plus, more frequent ‘Impact Briefs’ as and when key events occur. There is a link to a comprehensive 25-tab spreadsheet, with transparency at monthly resolution for model inputs and outputs by the "traded parts".

Available Stand Alone

  • GB Wind forecasts totals and by unit and wind analytics with expert colour.
  • ERA analogue wind years. Long term forecasts using historical long term wind.
  • NIV Chaser & SIP Calculator.
  • GB CCGT and industrial mcm burn 14 day and 12 month forecasts.
  • Irish Wind. Composite of all metered wind farms. 3 series: Constrained, Unconstrained & DA Auction volume.

Call today to discover more about our power specialist’s knowledge on the gas market.